Report on California Language Minority Voting Rights Demographics – Aug 2017
Voter Access has developed a report detailing the low-English-proficient (LEP) eligible-voter demographics for each of the 58 counties in California. Largely based on Census Bureau data sets, the American Community Survey (ACS), and testimony from various outside groups, this report shows where needs for voting assistance in non-English languages may be concentrated throughout the state.
For the full report, please click through to this link:
This report was developed and is being released to coincide with this past December’s release of the Census Bureau’s 5-year Voting Rights Determinations File under Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act, as well as the upcoming release of 4-year determinations to be made by the California Secretary of State under Elections Code section 14201, due out this coming January.
The report has details that can help counties and interested groups target the language access required in some counties under the Voting Rights Act, and the report can also be used to help inform the determinations the Secretary of State and county elections officials must make under California law.